Using Credit Cards For Credit Repair
Where Are Your Credit Cards? Credit cards can do more to speed up your credit repair effort than anything else. In fact, they are the perfect credit repair tool. If you are launching an attempt to improve your credit scores without credit cards you are doing yourself a great disservice. So, if you do not have credit cards now is the time to get them. It is never too late, and given the availability of secured cards, you cannot make the excuse that you will not get approved. Secured Cards Secured cards are easy to get and you will not get denied. A secured credit card is a regular mainstream credit card that will report to the credit bureaus and contribute to your credit score. It just happens to be collateralized by a small savings deposit that you will make with the card issuer. If you are starting from scratch and have no credit cards at all you should get two secured cards to get your credit repair project into high gear. Other Forms of Credit Not all forms of credit will contr...